Monday, March 19, 2012

What do I want for my daughters?

During the interview with our daughters' new school they asked me a question that really got me thinking?

"What do you want for your daughters when they grow up?"

My first thought was "Every good thing that is possible." But it's so much more intricate than that. I realized that while I think about their future often, and think about what I want for them I have never clearly defined it. I haven't made a clearly defined goal of what I need to teach them, and set up for them so that they can reach those goals, or at least to give them the best possible opportunity.

"What do I want for my daughters?"

1. I want them to be strong enough to stand up to the world for what they believe in. 
2. I want them to choose freedom over security.
3. I want them to have the education and training to do whatever career path they choose. 
4. I want them to know that being a wife/ mother/ homemaker is a valid career path. That it's not weak to want to be all the wonderful things that only a woman can be.
5. I want them to have the confidence, emotional & financial security, and fortitude to WAIT for the right man to come to them.
6. I want them to work hard for their goals. 
7. I want them to be neat and organized in their life and in their mind.
8. I want them to be happy.
9. I want them to be physically fit.
10. I want them to know that God is always there for them and so am I.

These are the things I want for my daughters. These are the reasons I am a mom.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I like this quote that I found on
Do the things you used to talk about doing but never did. Know when to let go and when to hold on tight. Stop rushing. Don’t be intimidated to say it like it is. Stop apologizing all the time. Learn to say no, so your yes has some oomph. Spend time with the friends who lift you up, and cut loose the ones who bring you down. Stop giving your power away. Be more  with being interested than being interesting. Be old enough to appreciate your freedom, and young enough to enjoy it. Finally know who you are.

- kristin armstrong

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Our (almost) new home

Well, so far the bank has excepted our offer and we have turned all of our paperwork in for our new house!   We haven't signed the finalized closing paperwork yet, but it should only be about 30 days from now, and we will be proud homeowners again! Yay!
The house does need a lot of work though. It's to be expected for a house from 1968. After we sign the paperwork we will have to wait about a month before we can move in because we have to make some repairs and remove the yucky carpet from upstairs; among other things. There will still be a ton of projects to do, but we are going to try to get the main things done before we move in. We would probably move in straight away, but with a baby we want to get the major things done before we live there. That's ok. I've been waiting this long. I can wait a bit longer. I hope you have a wonderful day today.
Here is a (not so good) picture of our (almost) new home. Better pics to come when we actually own it and begin renovations.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I'm beginning to really like middle ground. Middle ground is relaxing. I'm liking compromise.
Lately, I've had to make a lot of compromises, and, I'm OK with that. 
I've been homeschooling for about 4 years now. Originally the idea to homeschool was my husband's. My first reaction was, "You're kidding, right?"
Turns out, he wasn't kidding. Homeschooling had been wonderful and hard. The truth is, it has been one of the hardest things I have ever done, but also one of the most rewarding. One of the best feelings in the world is teaching your child something and then watching them excel at it. Another side benefit of homeschooling is that the teacher (you) gets to learn right along with the kiddos. I really enjoyed that part. 
But lately, homeschooling hasn't been the joy that it once was. It's only been hard. With a infant to care for, and so much moving around, I feel like I haven't been able to give my older two girl's education the attention it deserves. Especially my middle girl. H- my oldest is more self motivated, but C isn't. She needs me to constantly work with her, and I unfortunately cannot make that, and all the other things I'm responsible for, happen, as of right now. 
And this is where the middle ground comes in. The compromise. My husband and I were pretty adamant that we didn't want to send the girls to public school for many and various reasons, but I didn't feel confident that I could provide their education with my very best attention at this time. However, by God's grace we found a wonderful little private school that teaches in the classical way (classical education is the way we have been teaching). They will start their new school this coming year. I am so relieved and happy that their education will be getting all the attention it deserves and we don't have to put them in public school. (I am NOT denigrating those who put there children in public school. It is just not what is best for our family.)
Another compromise that we have recently come to, is to buy a home while we are waiting for ours to be built. Originally we had planned for it to be built about 2 years ago, but because of a series of events we still are not ready to build. (Did you know that if you pay all of your bills off they call you a "deadbeat" in the credit world? I love Dave Ramsey; he changed our lives and financial future, but now we have zero credit. How stupid is that? Pay your bills off, banks hate you, Don't pay your bills, banks love you? Dumb.) So we have decided to purchase a home that meets our needs, and wait on the Lord's timing to build our dream home. We put an offer in on a house that does what we need it to, and will be a comfortable place for our children to grow and play. (We don't know if we got it yet. I hope we do, but if not I'm sure it's for a reason.) The home we put an offer in on needs a little TLC (oh thank the Lord for  projects! Finally! It is so hard for me to be a renter because I can't do anything to make our home better.) but of course, that is what I love to do. So, if we do get the house I will be updating with before and after pictures hopefully. 
None of these compromises has actually gone into effect yet, but just thinking about them takes a weight off my shoulders.

Friday, March 2, 2012

11 DEADLY mistakes you didn't know you were making...


Treading Raging Waters: 11 DEADLY mistakes you didn't know you were making...: This post was a request from some friends, feel free to share wherever you'd like! There are many, many more that I could write, but it woul...