Sunday, January 5, 2014

My husband and I decided we would do a "Thankful/Good Memories" Jar this year.
Here is a FREE printable, from Shanty2Chic, to start your own!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Today was a nice day.
The granite guys came to measure everything out. (I will be glad to see that go in!)
We got up a bit later than usual, but it's ok since it is Sat.
We ate breakfast at our favorite restaurant, Patsy's, and then visited the farmers market. I got the most beautiful orchid from Spring Orchids. Then we walked home. The rest of the day was spend just hanging out. We grilled venision, and veggie kabobs for dinner, and had s'mores around the campfire after shooting the bows for a bit.
All in all, a pretty nice day.

Friday, January 3, 2014

We've begun our new morning routine and it's going pretty well. We are usually out of the door by 7:30am now, which is a big improvement. I need to work out a better evening routine. I just got done putting my littlest  to bed. T usually does it because it gives him some special time with her, but tonight I got to. It's one of my favorite things to do. Reading her a story while she sits on my lap, tucking her in, and saying her prayer with her. Its so precious. Too soon she will be putting herself to bed, and I will desperately miss these times.
Today was somewhat eventful. We had our family chiropractic appointment today. That was a little hectic as usually, but we all feel better. With all the accidents, surgeries, and sports that our family has been involved in we need a lot of maintenance.
The electricians were here most of the day, but it wasn't too stressful. At least T was here today to deal with any issues that cropped up, and they are much quieter than the carpenter.
I know that it is such a blessing to be able to have people improve our home, but I can't say I will miss it when it's all over.
The kitchen remodel is by far the worst that I have been through as far as this remodel goes. I know it will be so much better when it's completed though. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
The big girls went to a friends house, and T and I worked on L's new play kitchen. It's so cute! I was originally planning on getting one from Pottery Barn, but then I found this one on, and I'm so glad I did. It has excellent reviews, is just as cute, the same size, and $250.00 dollars CHEAPER! Woohoo! I can't wait to see her play with it. I've been practicing my crochet skills by making her pot holders and play rags. :)
I weeded and cleaned up the gardens a bit today as well. It felt good to be outside. The weather was beautiful today. Sunny and mid 50's.
Our good friends came by this evening, and it was nice to hang out with them and watch the kids play together.
All in all, a pretty good day.
Happy New Year! 2014! Whewww! It's here. Now we can relax...Yeah right. ;) I'm pretty sure relaxing is not in the job description of "Mommy".  Here's a few images from this past year for your viewing pleasure. Have a great day!