Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I will be doing my first craft show this coming November and I'm very excited. I love to do crafts and create things for others and myself. I think that's why I like Pinterest so much. There are just so many good ideas out there. Here are a few pictures of just a few of the things I have created recently.
This is a little dress I made from some leftover fabric and a onesie that wouldn't button anymore.

This is my little sweetie wearing her new dress. I  cut off the bottom of the onesie and used the fabric to make her a flower headband.

This is one of the ruffle bum onesies I made.

This is my little one wearing one of my custom created headbands.  I went a little crazy making her headbands while  I was pregnant.

Here she is with the same headband at about 2 months old.

1 comment:

Jolana said...

Good luck at your craft show next month. I know what you mean about Pinterest. Love it too!! PS. love your hair being dark.