Sunday, July 27, 2014

New Beginnings

This past month has been filled with a lot of changes for me. Personal changes.
I finally decided to stop letting my circumstances dictate my life so much.
At one point I had stopped working out because there are ALWAYS people at my house and I felt embarrassed when I would come home from jogging and be all sweaty and gross, or trying to do my workout at home with strange men watching.
But, I had to get over it. Let them stare. I'm not going to become a chubster because of this insane remodel. So there!
Yummy Slow Carb Salad
So anyways, I have begun working out at least 4-5 times a week, and I am seeing results! I love the feeling I get when I can see the changes I have been working so hard for. I've lost about 5 pounds, but more importantly I lost several inches. I fit in my clothes better and have more confidence.
Another change I have been making lately is in my finances. My husband provides for us well, but every month there seems to be very little to save at the end. I realized that I am a "boredom shopper". I tend to shop just to have something to do. Right now, with the remodel, I have had to pack away most of my crafts, hobbies, and books. I also find it difficult to garden or do many of my outdoor activities because of the people here all the time. Add to that, I have to stay within a few minutes of my house many days because of deliveries and other things, you have a recipe for extreme boredom. I realized that I was shopping a lot (we have lots of lovely little stores right near us), not because I actually needed anything, but because I was trying to find something to do.
My little display, for Bellevalia Designs, at the Skinny Pig Restaurant in Spring, TX

Our garden beds. We are adding eight more!

One of my hibiscus flowers about to open.
Ever since I finally acknowledged I was doing this, I have made a concentrated effort to avoid it. I have decided to put my embarrassment away about being sweaty, gross, and dirty in front of people and I started gardening again. I also got my kindle up and running, and I have been putting much more effort into running my household more efficiently. (Also exercising more.) I still have times of boredom, but now that I recognize and acknowledge it I can head it off better.

The thing is, I don't want to end up in a nursing home when I'm older or be a burden to my family. I want to invest and save enough now so that my husband and I are well able to care for ourselves in our golden years.
But, it's not only that. I'm tired of not being able to buy nice long lasting things, because I bought so many cheap little things. Or not be able to travel because we went out to eat too many times. It's just silly.
Already I am seeing a difference in our accounts, and the amount of money we are able to put into savings has increased dramatically. All by not boredom shopping, and cutting out dining out.
I have so many things that I have really been coming to terms with in myself lately. Sometimes it seems to be so daunting to realize all of the things that I need to fix in myself, but just like with health, you have to start, you have to take it one day at a time, you have to keep going even during setbacks, in order to achieve the desired results.

She just graduated to yellow belt! "A black belt is a white belt that never gave up!"

Me and my oldest at a family gathering this past Fourth of July.

My littlest cutie with our new dog, Rosie.


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