Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Lord takes care of us.

Feeling better.
About to get her bones reset for the second time.
A lot has happened since my last post. But considering that it was 2 months ago that isn't too surprising. The last week was especially eventful though. My middle little broke her arm while trying to do a cartwheel on a trampoline (not fun), and while  we were at the emergency room my itty bitty came down with a 104 degree fever! Needless to say it was a horrible night. They both came through it okay though, and I thank the Lord for that! Middle Little has a hot pink cast on now, but she still has to take it easy until the bones start to set. It's hard on her, but she's being a trooper. And the itty bitty came through her fever just fine. (The same cannot be said for my nerves, but they're on the mend too!)
It finally rained today. We even went for a walk in the forest in it because we were so excited to see it again. Little itty bitty laughed and cooed and enjoyed the soaking. Fortunately, I had extra clothes for her in the car. We need the rain so bad. It's been the worst drought in 70 years and all the wildfires were so devastating.  The fires were so close to our property that we had ash raining down while we tried to frantically wet everything down. They didn't get that far, but my heart goes out to all the people whose homes were lost, as well as the mama and little baby who were killed. We can never show enough appreciation to the firefighters and volunteers who kept working non stop to put the fires out.

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